Re: [Evolution] filter copies instead of moves

Thanks for your suggestion. I tried it out. If i put a stop processing rule as the last line of the filter rule, then it does nothing, neither move nor copy.

From: Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net>
To: evolution lists ximian com
Subject: Re: [Evolution] filter copies instead of moves
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 21:15:09 +0200

hi al,

On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 15:14 +0000, Al Lelopath wrote:
> I have a filter to move messages from a certain sender to a folder, but it
> copies instead.

could happen if you haven't added a "stop processing" rule as the last
option of the filter rule, so other filters could be run after your
moving-filter that let the message stay within the original folder.

> Evolution v2.0.1

i'd suggest to update to 2.0.4 (that has nothing to do with the problem
though, but would fix a lot of bugs and performance problems).


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