[Evolution] dyslexia?

So today I received an html-email [prometric test confirmation , fwiw].

I went to forward it to the boss-man, and was about to 'snip' the top
1/2 as it's all html 'garbage' [images, 'thank yous', etc] as all he
needs for the record is the test date.

so when I typed 'snip' it came out as 'pins' :::text was coming out
right to left rather than standard English l-to-r.

closed evo, 'ps -eaf |grep evo' showed notta... opened evo & that email,
same thing.  created other emails to no effect [they're fine].  Just
this particular email.  Also, _forwarding v. _replying made no diff. 
Nor did where I tried to type in the email.

What would make one email's text be displayed r-to-l??


evo 1.4.6
kde 3.2.1 [w/ gnome installed]
suse 9.1


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