I have realized the last major hurdle as being solved in Evolution/Connector. You guys/gals are great. The last major issue for full MS Outlook replacement was the ability to take my contacts offline with me. I now can. One question. It is not a show-stopper but.... When I select my contact and it displays it in the view pane. I can highlight the text (say the username/password for the contacts website) but if I try to paste this data into anything it pastes the entire contact's info. Is their any fix in the works for this? Ex: 1) Create contact(attached vcf) 2) Hightlight username inside of quotes "test" 3) Go to paste into body of this email: BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 URL:www.test.org TITLE: ROLE: X-EVOLUTION-MANAGER: X-EVOLUTION-ASSISTANT: NICKNAME: X-EVOLUTION-SPOUSE: NOTE:Username="test"\nPassword="password" FN:test N:;test;;; X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:test X-EVOLUTION-BLOG-URL: CALURI: FBURL: X-EVOLUTION-VIDEO-URL: X-MOZILLA-HTML:FALSE UID:pas-id-416F1BED00000000 END:VCARD ******************** All I want is to see "test" pasted. I also store other details about people which this is very limiting on. -- Thanks, Jeremey Wise jeremey wise agilysys com All opinions or information expressed here are personal in nature and do not reflect the official position of Agilysys Inc.
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