[Evolution] Re: [Evolution-hackers] Problems with mailboxes after move from sendmail to imap

On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 16:51 +0200, guenther wrote:
The hackers list is for discussing Evolution development only, it is not
a list for user questions.

And please, do not cross-post.
Should'v enot cross-possed too :)

> I'am using evolution 1.4.5 without problems.
> My IT-Operations department moved my mail accout from a sendmail based
> mailserver to an IMAP based during my vacation.

Sendmail is for *sending* only, IMAP is for *retrieving* mails (and
managing them on the server). You will need a SMTP server anyways.

> After my return I got all my mails from INBOX, but not my former mails
> from SENT folder.

Well it looks like you were accessing an imap server before, and now you're accessing another imap server.

If the Sent folder isn't on the new imap server, then your admins screwed up.  They must have backups.

> If I look into the folder structure of my evolution config I still have
> entries in 
> /home/<account>/evolution/mail/imap/<sendmail-account>/folder/Sent
> This folder contains about 1800 files named like 
> 50. and 50.0
> until
> 971. and 971.0
> <any-nr>.0 seems to be the mailheader
> <any-nr). seems to be the mailbody

Basically yeah.  You should be able to concatenate them to form the original (with caveats - for large multipart messages).   You can then add a line "From - " to the start of this concatenated bit and then concatenate them all together to form a "mbox" file.

Its not gauranteed to contain all parts or all messages though.  I would try for backups and making the admins earn there keep (unless the Sent folder just moved or something - try the subscriptions dialogue too).

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"born to die, live to work, it's all downhill from here"
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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