Re: [Evolution] spam filter?

On Mon, 2004-11-22 at 11:38 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 00:03 +0100, Bastiaan Spandaw wrote:
Hello list,

I've tried to post a couple of questions, but my mail seems to

I've posted from 3 different accounts none of my mail seems to be
accepted by the list server.

My questions do not appear to have questionable content that could
trigger spam filters, thats why I did not suspect a spam filter

Anyone know why my mails could dissapear?

Were/Are these 3 email addresses subscribed to the list?

None of them were/are subscribed, after a while I suspected that might
be the problem. (I would have expected a bounce i) I then changed the
from address of my "catch all" account. My posts showed up immediately.

That does not explain why the message above (from spandaw leaseweb) made
it to the list 3 days after I sent it...



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