Re: [Evolution] evolution and spamassassin

On Sun, 2004-05-23 at 17:12, Kai Sommer wrote:
Hallo list-members,

since 3-4 month I'am using Evo (now 1.4.6) for my mails (under gentoo).
1 month ago I installes spamassassin and made a filter for checking my
mails (pipe massage to shell command 'spam -c' returns greater than '0'
-> move to SPAM-folder).
I have some pop3-accounts and today there was following huge problem:
if I try to send with name rz uni-potsdam de i get the following message
"Error while performing operation: MAIL FROM response error: Rejected -

What the hell means that!?

I dunno, ask your ISP. That error message is from your mail server, not


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