Re: [Evolution] Welcome response error: Interrupted system call

I am running Ximian 1.4 on SUSE 9.0

After some experimentation, I found that if I changed the main send option from SMTP to Sendmail, it worked -
although I am running postfix and not sendmail.  When it was set to SMTP, it would remain on the "sending" 
forever, or until I pressed "cancel" at which point it displayed the error message mentioned.

Any suggestions as to why this should be so?


Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 10:34:35AM +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:

hi henry,

please post more information, e.g. which version of evolution you're
using on which distro, smtp or imap, the server address and anything
more we could use to get ideas...

how long did you wait before hitting "cancel all"?

if you run evolution from the shell/terminal, is there any interesting
output? post it...!

the "Interrupted system call" should just appear because you hit
"ctrl+c" and shouldn't have something to do with the problem.


 mailto:ak-47 gmx net | failed!

Henry Meyerding
hwm goomba com

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