-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: evolution-admin lists ximian com genom Peter James
Skickat: ti 2004-06-29 17:26
Till: evolution lists ximian com
Ämne: [Evolution] Can't send using EvolutionAndre wrote
"if it isn't confidential data, could you post the header?
perhaps you took a recipient from your addressbook without an email
address, or you did not put a recipient into the To:, but only into the
are there any other emails in your outbox? sometimes evolution refers to
another message and does not at first send the message which is "on top"
in your outbox, and stops sending other messages if one of them could
not be sent.
...normally evolution really got a reason to show this error
message. :-)"
The header of a failed Email is as follows:
From: Peter James <pfjames clara co uk>
Reply-To: pfj pfjames clara co uk
To: Alan Menzies <wingfeld btopenworld com>
Subject: Changing to a PC from a Mac
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 16:18:31 +0100
etc etc
I have attempted to send this email three times, without success. I have also
cleared out of my Outbox all previous emails that failed to send. I am at my
wits end here. Can anyone help?
Peter James
evolution maillist - evolution lists ximian com