Re: [Evolution] [GUI] - setting shortcut to hide red messages

Something wrong in my English, I meant message that have been read ( not
red ? it's not irregular ?)


Le jeu 29/07/2004 à 13:32, Andre Klapper a écrit :
hi françois,

Am Mittwoch, den 28.07.2004, 11:38 +0200 schrieb François Chenais:
Is it possible to 
  - automatically hide red messages in the Unread mail folder ?

what do you mean by red messages? did you gave them a red *colour*? did
you gave them a label like *important*? did you mark them as important
in the message list? all three will turn a message red.
and what is an unread mail folder? do you speak of vfolders?!

  - set a shortcut to hide red messages ?

i am afraid both issues aren't possible although i do not know exactly
what you are writing about...

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