Re: [Evolution] Can't Create Calendar/Task List in Evo 1.5.90...

On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 07:22 +0100, James Ogley wrote:
I've just compiled up Evo 1.5.90 (E-D-S 0.0.95), and I can't create
any local calendars or task lists.
In the 'Add Calendar' dialog, nothing appears in the 'Type' drop-down list.

Smells like to me - can
you confirm this, and provide any more information (such as your
screenshot - just noticed the same happens to me with #61412 in full

Are you running on Suse9.1 by any chance? I had the same problem and the
solution was to change the permissions of /opt/gnome/libexec/



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