Re: [Evolution] Auto Complete

Turns out it does work. I was using a semicolon and not comma (old habit, I guess)

On Mon, 2004-07-12 at 20:27, Andre Klapper wrote:
Am Montag, den 12.07.2004, 09:17 +0300 schrieb Oren Gross:
> Hi there, I am new to Evolution and I have a basic question:
> When I enter a mailing address to the "To/Cc/Bcc" filed, Evolution
> auto-complete only the first name but when I separate it with comma it
> does not do so for the following name. Is there a way to tell
> Evolution to do that, such as the Ctrl+K in M$-Outlook?


normally it *should* work. what if you are trying to add a white space
after adding a comma, and then beginning to type the next name?
(evolution1.5 normally ignores that and adds a white space character on
its own, and i cannot remember the behaviour in evo1.4).


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