Re: [Evolution] Two questions about Evolution

Em Qui, 2004-07-08 às 10:23 +0800, Not Zed escreveu:
On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 19:13 +0200, Alvaro Sanchez-Mariscal wrote:
2) Does anyone know how to add an HTML template (like in Format -> Page
-> Template)?
Wow, never knew that existed.

They look to be hard-coded in the html editor code.
Actually, what Evolution calls a "template" is a repeating background image associated to text and link colors for HTML mail. You can define your own background image but so far I haven't found out how to create a new template that Evolution will recognize and use automatically. For now I am using a "labor-intensive" :) workaround:
  1. Create a HTML message with the layout and formatting you want;
  2. Save it as a "draft";

When you want to send a message using your "customized layout":
  1. Open the draft message (this will remove it from the Drafts folder);
  2. Edit your message;
  3. Go to the Trash folder and undelete your template (this will send it back to the Drafts folder)
Not exactly an elegant solution but it allows you to have your own personal message "templates".

Roberto F. Salomon
Diretor de Tecnologia
Techisa do Brasil Ltda. htt://
+55 61 340-6266

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