Re: [Evolution] Blank From - blank Subject - ? Date

søn, 25.01.2004 kl. 03.56 skrev John J. Foster:

Am currently running Evolution 1.4.5 on Fedora Core 1 with both the
standard Redhat kernel and a generic 2.6.1 kernel. Evolution has worked
flawlessly for months, until a few evenings ago. I use both an IMAP
connection (from home) and a web based interface (from work) to my ISP.

I am now getting emails with blank "From" and "Subject" fields and with
a "?" mark in the "Date" field via the IMAP connection in the Header
pane. All email shows the correct size. The "From, Subject and Date"
fields all show correctly in the Preview pane and when opening the mail.
They are only blank during "Header" display via IMAP. (Headers show just
fine on the web-based connection).

You say "for months", but kernel 2.6.1 has only been available for a
week or so. When did you go over to Fedora Core one? I've seen enough
"strange" and unexplainable things happening with Fedora to put a large
question mark against use of it. And I've been an avowed RedHat person
for years, still am - but Fedora? No.



mail: billy - at -

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