[Evolution] Compiling Evolution / Syncing Palm Devices

I am trying to following the excellent advice of David Desrosiers
(http://howto.pilot-link.org/evosync/index.html) regarding syncing Palm
Devices and Evolution. I successfully created new versions of
pilot-link, gnome-pilot, and gnome-pilot-conduits. I got stuck in
creating a new version of Evolution 1.4.5. The "configure" step errors
out, with the message: "checking for db3 library name... configure:
error: Could not find db3 library". I have googoled this, and found a
patch for configure (apparently from J Katz, at Red Hat). I believe I
applied the patch correctly, but I still get the same error message.
Does anyone out there have any suggestions?

Steven P. Auerbach            steven p auerbach saic com
SAIC, MS C/4                  858-826-6493 (office)
10260 Campus Pt. Drive        619-723-1270 (cell/page)    
San Diego, CA 92121-1522      858-826-6587 (fax)

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