Re: [Evolution] Changing fonts

On Sun, 2004-02-08 at 15:27, Daniel Jones wrote:
I just switched from Mandrake to SuSE.   In the process, I upgraded from
Evolution 1.3 to 1.4.  I do not like the default font used in the
Folders and the list of messages.  I can change the font that the actual
message is displayed in, but I can't find a way to change the font used
by Evolution for everything else.  I suspect this may be a Gnome setting
or something?  (I'm using KDE.)

I use KDE also.  Here is some cutting and pasting from some of my
previous emails on the topic to others.

- make sure you have gnome control center installed
- install gconf-editor (kind of a "regedit" for gnome - allows you to
make changes without running gnome - since doing that may hijack your
desktop, screen saver, etc.)
- run gconf-editor and change the following
  * desktop->gnome->background->draw_background (uncheck)
  * apps->gnome_settings_daemon->start_screensaver   (uncheck)
  * apps->nautilus->preferences->show_desktop   (uncheck)
  * I also had to mess with some gnome settings like dots per
    inch, mouse settings, keyboard repeat, etc. to prevent the gnome
    daemon from changing my KDE settings.
- run gnome-font-properties to set your fonts (it will start the
settings daemon)

Now the final step it to ensure that the gnome-settings-daemon starts up
automatically when you start up KDE (the KDE session manager will not do
this for you) - or the fonts will be incorrect anyway.  Go to
~/.kde/Autostart and create a file called gsd.desktop and put the lines
between the ==== into that file.

[Desktop Entry]
NOTE: The Exec line is broken into two.  The --oaf-activate option is a
continuation of the previous line. After the Exec=, it should look like:
gnome-settings-daemon --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_SettingsDaemon

Hope that helps.
Lonnie Borntreger

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