Re: [Evolution] Migration fun

As no-body had any ideas I started to poke around and I found a fix...
though I wouldn't call it anything along the lines of great. I know
evolution uses gnome stuff even though I only use KDE. I found two
utilities related to spelling (gnome-spell-component-0.5
gnome-spell-properties-capplet). I ran gnome-spell-component-0.5' and
nothing really changed so I ran 'gnome-spell-properties-capplet' and it
started a GUI which had a component up top left called 'MISSINGNAME'
which had a subcomponent of 'Spell Checking. In the right pane was the
languages I loaded English, British, American. None of these were
highlighted so I selected  "American" and clicked 'OK'. After closing,
Spelling started to work in Evolution. I have no other system to
reference weather 'Missingname' is bad (something corrupted perhaps).
Either way it works now.

On Mon, 2004-12-27 at 16:19 -0500, Jeremey Wise wrote: 
I was migrated to a new Exhange server and all sorts of fun has
transpired. I posted a few bug and questions but received no reponse so
I just backed up all my data and did a fresh install of SuSE 9.2. I am
now back and working with Evolution 2.0 with Exchange connector and
things seem to be working well.  A few issues I have yet to resolve.

1) Spell checking does not work though (after searching archives) it
apears I have all the packages installed.
wizej:~ # rpm -qa |grep spel
wizej:~ #    
Spelling can not be enabled under "Tools->Settings->Composer
Preferances->Spell Checking"

2) I can not get Palm sync to work. If from the command prompt type
"dlpsh -p /dev/usb/ttyUSB1" I connect and it works fine. When I fire up
gnome-pilot and configure a conduit for evolution the sync starts but
then evolution crashes. The only way to get it to try again is a full
reboot (I have not found out what's causing this).



Jeremey Wise
jeremey wise agilysys com

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