Re: [Evolution] Another evolution migration experience

On Thu, 2004-08-26 at 17:05 +0100, Nigel Metheringham wrote:
     7. Pilot sync appears broke at present... although that may be down
        to some confusion in gnome-pilotd which has been running right
        through.  Will look properly later.

This appears to have fixed itself - most likely gnome-pilot needed a
good kick and having logged off overnight fixed it.

     8. Calendar: I marked my Exchange calendar (first one on list) with
        a colour.  If I add another calendar of any type the colour
        "falls off" the exchange calendar.

Not doing that today :-/

     9. Signatures appear to be screwy (shuffled between accounts) after
        migration.  However this might have existed pre-migration - it
        was just more obviously wrong after.....

Signatures broke big time today.  I sorted them yesterday (4 signatures,
assigned across the 6 or so mail accounts).  Today all but one of the
sigs were blank, and trying to edit them gave a permission denied
message.  To fix this I had to delete the 3 malfunctioning sigs (which
had all been imported from evo 1.4 without twiddling), remake them from
scratch and reassign them to the mail accounts.

Still happy!

[ Nigel Metheringham           Nigel Metheringham InTechnology co uk ]
[ - Comments in this message are my own and not ITO opinion/policy - ]

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