[Evolution] Working...

In the last few days I've noticed this showing up in my evo [1.5.91,] status bar:

        Working 0x9fbeb68 (...)

or some other hex string (address? id?). It only shows up after evo has
been running for a while (minutes? hours?). Then it's just there. 

I also note that this seems to have only cropped up since I started
trying evo's junk filtering, though I can't be certain that's a direct
correlation. In fact I can't correlate it to anything yet. It just shows
up after a while. Nothing I could see in evo's [terminal] output, though
I readily admit I don't know what to look for.

Evolution appears to be working fine.

If I had to guess I'd say it's something that evo reached out to [spamc?
gpg? ??] that didn't quite come back or otherwise got interrupted in the
course of things. No zombies or defunct children hanging around in the
process table, though.

Is this something that needs attention? I'm happy to help track it down
if it is.


Andrew Frederick Cowie

Operations Consultants and Infrastructure Engineers


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