Re: [Evolution] clicking on link not launching browser...

Thanks Andre and Guenther, 

I had actually checked out the archives (but had not found something
that had fixed the problem). Anyway, after another extensive search on
the net, i found that upgrading "gnome-vfs-*" fixed the problem. 

I of course then still did have to follow the instructions in as
mentioned in the archives, but this time the instructions worked :-) 
(before, they were just simply having no effect...)


On Sun, 2004-08-08 at 03:06, guenther wrote:
please check the archives first, e.g.
April/037164.html> and/or
June/038280.html> (mind the line breaks).

As Evolution can handle long lines, here we go with those links not
breaking lines...

Andre, please use Preformat paragraph style, rather than Normal for
lines exceeding 78 chars.


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