Re: [Evolution] Filters appear to copy instead of move.

On Thu, 2004-04-29 at 10:48 -0400, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
It helps if you read the documentation... but, in short, you need to
add "Stop Processing" to each of your filters if you want it so that
when a rule matches a mesage, no later rules get applied.

It must be easy to miss....

On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 14:09 -0400, Mark Warren wrote:
I have several filters that move inbound messages to a folder based
on the sender's address.  For many of them, however, it appears a
copy is being done instead of a move, because the original is still

In ALL cases where this happens, there is an upper level move that
has already executed.  For example, here's my (abstracted) folder


and my (also abstracted) filter rules

1) If sender is "bug-server mycompany com", move to folder
2) if sender ends with "_alert mycompany com", move to folder
3) if sender contains "", move to folder Company.

When bug reports come in, they do show up in Company/BugReports, but
they also show up in Company.  Similarly, when server alerts arrive,
they show up in Company/ServerAlerts, but also in Comapny.

It looks like rules (1) and (2) are applied properly, but then rule
(3) finds messages that have already been moved and copies them?  In
case its not obvious, I do NOT want any copies - I want all my
inbound messages in one and only one folder.

Any thoughts?
Ron Johnson <ron l johnson cox net>

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