Re: [Evolution] Upgrading Evolution

On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 16:31, Todd Cary wrote:
Patrick -

I forgot to check the privileges!  They are correct: rw,r,r (I need to
learn the octal equivalents).  However, I did change the owner but
that made no difference - as expected.

On my machine the modes are 644 (rw,r,r) and owner root, and
I don't have any difficulty. You might want to check the mode
on the directory itself, just in case. Mine is:

drwxr-xr-x    2 rpm      rpm          1024 Sep 26 09:40 /var/lib/rpm/

Also, I did "ps - A | grep "rpm". there a way to run the rpm manually?  I am using

wget -q -O -|sh

You could just copy the output of wget:

wget -q -O - > foo

and then poke around in foo to see what's going on.



Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
rpm can sometimes leave its database in a locked state, even
when no processes are active on it. If this happens, I've found
that the following works for me (as superuser):

    rm /var/lib/rpm/__db.00?

(the files will be recreated next time rpm runs).

YMMV of course ...


On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 11:32, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
sounds like your rpm database is locked by another process. you'll have
to kill that other process I guess. *shrug*

On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 09:41, Todd Cary wrote:
When Ximian attempts to install a new version, it almosts gets to the 
end, but this error comes up:

Sep 26 12:41:28 Transaction failed: Unable to complete RPM transaction: 
unable to open RPM database: fcntl failed

Any suggestions?



evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com
evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com



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