Fwd: Re: [Evolution] two e-mails tacked together

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Subject: Re: [Evolution] two e-mails tacked together
From: "Tony Sequeira" <tony sequeira com>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 15:47:32 +0100 (BST)
To: strombrg dcs nac uci edu

On 29 Sep 2003 07:32:42 -0700, Dan Stromberg wrote

I'm using evo 1.2.3 with uw imapd 2002c1 over ssl.

Things have been working reasonably well until recently.  Until
recently, I just had to kill and restart evo from time to time (not
normal by linux' standards, but I'm surviving).

Anyway, what's started recently, is I click on a subject, and I get an
e-mail.  If I scroll to the bottom of that e-mail, I sometimes see
another e-mail, which instead of starting with "^From " instead starts
with "^rom ".  It seems like some of my F's got deleted.

Has anyone else seen this?  Anyone know what might be causing it? 
Anyone know if this is an evo bug or a uw imapd bug?

It kind of has the feel of one piece of software doing strict bsd
and another piece of software doing SysV Content-length stuff.  Could
that be it?

BTW, I've been using mutt a little, and not over imap.  Could the mix
causing the problem?

I believe procmail has such a bug.  You can find recipes on the web
that cater for replacing the 'F'.  A quick google should point the way
forward.  I'm not at home, or I'd post mine.

Hope this helps.


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