[Evolution] filtering on Content-Type: audio/x-wav;

I was wondering if the Content-Type: tag which is used I guess for
delineating each different MIME type of content in an email can be
filtered upon?  I know you can filter upon a header and it's content,
but would the meta-data that separates each section in the body count as
a header?  And if it's in the body of a message, but isn't visually
represented, can it's text be filtered upon?

Basically, all I want to be able to do is filter some of these Swen
worms.  Many have a line in the body like such:
"Content-Type: audio/x-wav; name="dqbxb.exe""

Nobody sends me emails with audio embedded in the email.  Well, at least
not a friend.  Anyway, I thought this might be an easy way to filter
these emails.

Any thoughts. Thanks.


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