Re: [Evolution] strange changes

On Die, 2003-09-16 at 19:35, Kathy ODriscoll wrote:

And I have tried the configure make make install thing, doesnt work for
me the way it does for the rest of the linux community

You don't have to be able to do that to be a proficient Linux user,
really :)

Even if you _really_ want to learn it, you will need some time to be
comfortable with it. There are a lot of underlying concepts to learn to
really be able to handle it well.  

Because the info on the compile process from cvs was not altogether
correct in this thread, and for the benefit of the mailing list archive,
what follows is a summary for how to compile from cvs to prevent the
most important pitfalls:

There's a short introduction to cvs at Gnome's developers website

Keep in mind that when compiling software manually you /never/ want to
issue the 'configure' command without modifying the command line to
'configure --prefix=/usr/local'. This is because 'configure' alone will
set up stuff so that the subsequent 'make install' installs everything
to the directories in the hierarchy under /usr , where it will interfere
with the software installed by your distribution. /usr/local is the
place were you can play :)

When building packages directly from CVS (as opposed to source code that
comes in *.tar.gz packages), you can't use 'configure' directly, since
configure itself is not available yet but must be built. Therefore you
must pass the options you'd otherwise pass to configure to

To compile evolution from cvs you'd therefore have to do the following
in a terminal (Stuff after "$" is to be entered by you on a single
command line; optional stuff in brackets []):

First tell your cvs client the cvs server to use
$ export CVSROOT=':pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome'

Login to cvs
$ cvs login
Press enter when you are asked for a login (this logs you in

Go to the directory used by convention for sources to be manually
$ cd /usr/local/src

Get the source from cvs (in this case, the 1.4 branch, which is the
stable branch in cvs at time of writing)
$ cvs -z3 checkout -r evolution-1-4-branch evolution 

Go to the source directory
$ cd evolution

Configure the source
$ ./ --prefix=/usr/local [--enable-pilot-conduits=yes/no
depending on whether you use a Pilot handheld]
[--enable-openssl=yes] [--enable-nss=no] [--with-krb5=/usr/kerberos on

(You can review what the options do by issuing 'configure --help')

$ make

Change to root user to be able to write to the install directory and
$ make install

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