[Evolution] Hanging when deleting too many emails at once


I am experiencing pb when I try to delete a whole bunch of emails at once from exchange (ie: like > 400).
Evo hangs and I have to kill the evo process and the backend exchange-connector process, then restart evolution.
I can then see part of the emails got deleted. If I do this several times, I eventually get to delete every email in that folder.

Any idea why? Is it exchange webmail begin too slow?


pgp info

fred blaise centurytel com
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 97BA8A83
pub  1024D/97BA8A83 2003-09-03 Frederic Blaise (Work Only) <fred blaise centurytel com>
Primary key fingerprint: FBF9 9BC8 77F3 41AE 4728  CC3D B5D2 33E7 97BA 8A83

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