Re: [Evolution] email synchronisation

On Tue, 02 Sep 2003 16:58:29 +0200, guenther wrote

I have a desktop which uses Evo as the MUA.  I am installing Linux
an obsolete IBM thinkpad.  I am planning on using Evo on the laptop

An "obsolete" thinkpad... ;-)
Well it (was a company laptop and) has been replaced and sold to the ex
owner (my wife).  It was also running Win 98 (not very well may I add).

However, I have no idea how to synchronise email (including
contacts and the like) between the 2 machines.  Any clues and/or
gratefully accepted.
MultiSync can do this, AFAIK. It claims to sync at least "calendar,
ToDos and contacts".
Guenther, you are a star.  You have ccme up with the goods yet again. 
Looks like *exactly* what I need.  Thank you.

Beside that, you can always "sync" (well, a one way sync at least)
multiple Evolutions by plain copying -- given, they are the same
version. Close Evolution and run 'evolution --force-shutdown' on
systems, then copy the entire ~/evolution/ directory. To sync
configuration data too on 1.4.x versions, do the same with the
~/.gconf/apps/evolution/ directory.
I actually require something more sophisticated than this.  It will do
to get me started, but the solution above is perfect.

It does indeed!

Thanks again.  BTW, I am a list subscriber, no need to cc me.  Thanks
again.  Much appreciated.


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