[Evolution] Addressbook Export - non-english characters

Hello List!

I'm just subscribed here so please püoint me to the thread if this
has been answered before, couldn't find somthing fiiting in the

The only thing that keeps me from switching to Evolution is an
problem with the addressbook export. 
Using evolution-addressbook-export to export my contacts works
fine, but it corrupts words or entrys with non-english characters.
Living in Germany I've got a lot of names and addresse in there
containing the letters ä, ö, ü, ß (hope this gets around). We call
them "Umlaut". Exporting now turns those into sets of numbers:

        ä       ->      \303\244
        ö       ->      \303\266
        ü       ->      \303\274
        ß       ->      \303\237

Is there a way to prevent this? This leaves the files almost

System is Debian Woody 3.0; Evolution 1.4.5; Charset ISO 8895-15
(de_DE EURO)



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