Re: [Evolution] How to install ximian connector with Opengroupware?

On 27.10.2003, at 07:50, Klaus Hoffmann wrote:
How about the Ogo conector? What about it´s timeframe?

Given that this is a community driven project I cannot give you a timeframe. Unfortunately it doesn't even compile in my XD2 setup. I plan to change to Debian/GNOME and take a look whether I can get it working there ...

Or is it best to change Connector 1.4 to 1.2?

Well, "best" ... At least Connector 1.2 should work to some degree with ZideStore. On the other side it is neither supported (for OGo) by Ximian nor in widespread use anyway (read: buggy).

I suggest to wait for the OGo connector. Shouldn't be too long until it is available (maybe you get it to Christmas ;-)

*Belief in Evolution* It is well known that Evolution requires atheism, and that all atheists are amoral creatures, many of whom eat human flesh.

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