[Evolution] Some queries - or suggestions


I have just moved to Evolution as a trial after years of using Ratatosk.

In the main, I like what I see, but I have a few suggestions...or maybe
these features are in Evolution, but I have missed them somewhere.

1) I would very much like to be able to select a 'save to' folder when I
send a message. As with many people these days, I deal with a number of
simultaneous projects and I would like to be able to save received and
sent messages for each project in a specific folder.

I can't see a way to select the 'save to' folder at the time of sending
a mail...am I missing something or is this not available in Evolution?

2) When dealing with projects, I frequently need to send email to the
same group of people. I can't find a way to establish a 'group' address
(ie a list of addresses I can access as a single contact to send email
to everyone working on a project) to accomplish this quickly and easily.

Again - am I missing something here?

Robert Hart                                      hartr interweft com au
Strategic IT & open source consulting                +61 (0)438 385 533
Brisbane, Australia                         http://www.interweft.com.au

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