Re: [Evolution] Synchronising laptop and desktop evolutions]

On Sat, 2003-11-15 at 13:36, S. Anthony Sequeira wrote:
Sorry, this won't thread. :(

On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 10:05, Tony Sequeira wrote:
On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 00:54:09 +0100, Armin Bauer wrote

On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 00:16, S. Anthony Sequeira wrote:
On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 17:02, Christopher Intemann wrote:
 But I have no plugins to select in multisyncs dropdown 
plugins list,
or in the main window.

I hope you did use the same --prefix for multisync itself, too.
Otherwise it wont work.

I did yes.  It _may_ be a compiler issue, does multisync have gcc
3.3.1 issues?  If so, I can use an earlier version.  To be frank,
I don't have a lot of free time to debug things, I spend nearly 4
hours a day travelling to and from work, and my family quite
rightly demands some of my time.

There are no issues that i know of. I use 3.3.2

If it still does not work do: export MULTISYNC_DEBUG=1 and 
look if there
are error messages on stdout.

OK, will do.  I don't get home till fairly late, so will be some
time before you get an answer.

tell me how it works please.

I'll give CVS a shot and let you know.

Best Regards, Armin Bauer

Sorry, couldn't get around to doing this until today.

Good news, CVS as of today compiles *and works* (at least with the
syncml plugin, the first one I tried).

I did nothing different at all.  When is the next stable release due?

We plan to release on the 24th (If all goes well)

Thanks Armin.  Now to get down to playing with syncing :-)

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