Re: [Evolution] Synchronising laptop and desktop evolutions

On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 12:47:43 +0100, Christopher Intemann wrote

maybe you should look at mutlisync.
I'm using it to sync my t610 mobile via bluetooth, and it works great!
It should also be possible to sync two instances of evo via mutlisync.
It also supports syncml. Unfortunately, I did not yet make it sync
an syncml server yet.
As soon as it works, it might be a great replacement for crappy
connector, witch does not even have a demo version available:-)
Regarding installation, this was a bit tricky on SuSE8.2, as there
were almost no gnome-development libs applicable as SuSE rpm.
You'll have to compile all bye yourself.
Finally, after almost 6 hours, it worked great.
If you'd would describe your instalation issue, I might help you.
Mind to make an aclocal in the multisync directory!  
Here it is.  Note the date and the total absence of response.

Sorry for wrapping, I have to use this web mail interface, as most
mailing list members object to the legalese appended to external mails
from my work email address.


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