Re: [Evolution] Feature request: Pop-before-IMAP

Would you mind using a MUA that knows about In-Reply-To: headers and
actually knows how to quote? ;-)

Have you tried going offline and online again (little ion bottom-left)?

Well, yes, actually I have, and that does work... except that I have a
bunch of folders marked to make available offline, so then it goes to
download all the new messages, which in some folders (high-traffic mailing
lists) this can take a while. It's faster to close/reopen Evolution.

IMAP is not supposed to re-login, as the connection stays established.

Well, yes, I knew that. And Evolution is actually one of the only MUAs
I've played around with that actually obeys this. Most of them re-login
every few minutes, and some are always unexpectedly dropping IMAP
connections... good job Evolution!

But this actually brings up another problem I have with Evolution--when I
mark folders for offline use, Evolution only downloads new messages. Is
there any way I can get it to download old messages, too? I'm using 1.2.4
(mandrake package).

It's good to know, Evo handles IMAP connections better than most others 
do. Evo hackers tend to be very strict on RFCs. :-)

However, the same hackers admit the IMAP code to be not as good as it
should be and as they want -- I am looking forward to the rewrite.

Even more, IMHO pop-after-smtp feels plain wrong and should not be
offered as an option. I could be wrong though...

Yes, I can see your point of view. It's a bit of a hackish way of
authenticating a user, but it's super easy to set up, and pretty
effective. My main point is that if you're going to offer it at all, why
not allow it to work with IMAP too?

I see your point, too. If that isn't intended, it should not be offered.

We should leave the decision to the knowledgeable hackers. I just filed
it in bugzilla -- let's see, if it gets closed... ;-)

Don't you have any other option to authenticate against the SMTP server?

Not yet... am still learning about this stuff, and because pop-before-smtp
works (except for timeing out because Evolution actually does IMAP
correctly, while other broken MUAs don't need this because they're

What would you suggest to be a better/easier way to authenticate a user to
SMTP? I'm using Postfix with Courier-IMAP, using both PAM and MySQL to
authenticate users.

Not looking for you to give me a long solution here--just a suggestion of
method. I can track down how to do it.

Can you increase the time for pop-before-smtp? Would be just another
hack, but would do you a favor instantly.

To set up your SMTP server for another authentication method, try and search for 'smtp auth cram md5'. The
first link looks promising.


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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