Re: [Evolution] Crash while trying to create or reply to e-mail (1.3.3)

The only recourse I had was removing gnome-spell.  I had this problem in
1.3.2 and 1.3.3.  If you find a solution where we can keep our
spell-check, please let me know :)


Randal: I think it may need a newer aspell.

Stephen: Are you also running Slackware?  I know it works with our
packages, at least on those platforms for which 1.3.3 package have been

For the record, our 1.3.3 packages use gnome-spell 1.0.3 and aspell

-Mark Gordon

Hey Mark,
        No, I'm running Crux 1.1.  I installed the latest aspell (0.50.3) from just before the gnome-spell build and install.  If it makes
a difference, I'm running GNOME 2.2.1 built from source.


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