Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.3.1 Preview Release

On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 05:56, Muralikrishnan B wrote:
Quoting  Biswapesh Chattopadhyay <biswapesh_chatterjee tcscal co in>:

Check where your glib-2.0.pc file is. This dir. needs to be in the env.
variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH if it is in a non-standard location.

Ok ! did that. Got glib source tarball from & compiled it (with prefix as /opt/gnome_cvs)
also set PKG_CONFIG_PATH as /opt/gnome_cvs/lib/pkgconfig/

install for glib went fine
then moved to libsoup, configure script asked for libart, got the tarball for that & tried to compile & 
install in the same path as above ...
configure script asks for pango
got pango & did the same ... asks for xft and fontconfig

Sounds like you don't have the debian dev packages for xft/pango/etc

Chris <chris cepheus net>

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