Re: [Evolution] Annoying bug..

On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 16:17, Pedro Gonnet wrote:
Hello All,

Another bug for the record, or maybe it's just me...

When composing, if while typing a recipientfor which matching names show
up in the popup-menu type like thing, if the mouse is in the area
covered by this popup list, evolution hangs and doesn't let me do
anything with the mouse in other programs. I have to killev from a
console to get my computer back.

Yes, and it's a GTK bug, not an Evolution one.  But there is a patched
version of this library (from Ximian or RedHat or someone) that fixes

Better still though - upgrade to Evolution 1.4 and Gnome2 ;O)

o o                                       mailto:Moredhel earthling net
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TOTTERIDGE (n.)  The riduculous two-inch hunch that people adopt when
arriving late for the teatre in the vain and futile hope that it will
minimise either the embarrassment of the lack of visibility for the rest
of the audience. c.f. hickling.   

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