Re: [Evolution] Cannot send POP mail with Evolution 1.3.98 or 1.4

you need to run evolution with CAMEL_VERBOSE_DEBUG=1 set in the
environment, as it will dump the smtp traffic to the screen.

(for those of you who read all of these replies, yes i get sick of
repeating that line, but what else can you do eh?)

that will at least show precisely what its failing on.

On Tue, 2003-06-24 at 12:37, Stephen Williams wrote:
Hi all,
      I can no longer send mail using either of the Evolution versions 
mentioned above.  1.3.3 worked fine.  I'm using it running GNOME 2.3.2 
all compiled from source ( I have too much time on my hands..)  If I 
recompile 1.3.3 from source under the same GNOME installation it works 
fine.  I even moved the GNOME install, recompiled from scratch, and 
compiled Evolution 1.4 and still have the exact same problem.  The error 
I receive is a popup window with the following text:

Error while performing operation:  MAIL FROM response error: Synta 
error, command unrecognized.

      Any help would be greatly appreciated.  If I need to file a bug report, 
just let me know.

Thanks much!


evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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