Re: [Evolution] Problem with things that are formatted using spaces not lining up in preview pane.

On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 15:39, guenther wrote:
I found a problem with any text that was formatted using spaces
while it looks fine in the composer when you see it in the preview pane
or double click to see it in a separate window things no longer line up.
This I didn't see in 1.2.2 or 1.2.4.

Seems you are actually using a non-proportional font. You have to use a
proportional font to see whitespace lined up text as it was intended.

Tools / Settings / Mail Preferences / General
 [ ] use the same fonts as other applications
 Terminal Font: <proportional font>

Or set the Gnome wide Terminal font.

Guenther - you're getting this the wrong way around. A monospace font is
a non-proportional font, and a proportional font is not monospaced. The
Terminal Font should be set to a monospaced, i.e. NON-proportional,

D. D. Brierton            darren dzr-web com
       Trying is the first step towards failure (Homer Simpson)

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