Re: [Evolution] Change Default Browser in Evolution 1.4

Thanks for the help.

The answer for redhat linux 7.3 is only slightly different from the one

#gconftool-2 --set --type=string /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/unknown/command '/usr/local/bin/remote-browser 
#gconftool-2 --set --type=bool /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/unknown/need-terminal false
#gconftool-2 --set --type=bool /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/unknown/enabled true
#gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/unknown

I wrote the following script for those who use netscape:

if [ -L $HOME/.mozilla/default/*/lock ]
  /usr/local/netscape7/netscape -raise -remote "openURL($1,new-tab)"
  /usr/local/netscape7/netscape "$1"

On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 23:33, guenther wrote:
While it is true the evolution 1.4 runs with gnome-2.0 it doesn't
require gnome-2.0 to run. The current version of gnome for Red Hat 7.3
is gnome-1.4. I assume that red-carpet wouldn't allow me to install if
my system didn't meet the requirements.


As you said, the Evo 1.2.x way (actually, Gnome 1.4) of setting the
default browser does not work. So Evo 1.4 does not respect old Gnome 1.4
settings -- true.

You do not have the apps to change the Gnome 2 settings to make Evo 1.4
happy. Thus, there are only limited possibilities left...

I don't know, where Evo 1.4 gets those settings from, but I suppose
GConf -- at least there are my settings stored.

As Jeff said, you need the control center. However, the following should
do the trick using CLI, bypassing all those neat looking graphical
tools. It was about time to learn about GConf... ;-)

Seems, these settings are stored under

# gconftool -R /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/unknown
 command = %s
 need-terminal = false
 enabled = true

Now, this should enter all those values:

# gconftool --set --type=string /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/unknown/command ' %s'
# gconftool --set --type=bool /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/unknown/need-terminal false
# gconftool --set --type=bool /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/unknown/enabled true

No guarantee, though...


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