Re: [Evolution] Headers -> Keyboard Short Cuts

Skip, it worked great!  The developers were really thinking about making
modular and configurable code when they came up with that!

It's so simple to tweak your own keyboard shortcuts.  Just need to make
sure that there are no doubles like CTRL-h.


On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 14:03, Skip Morrow wrote:
Make these changes to the "accel=" lines in the following files:
(be sure to get rid of the closing "/>" in the line before the accel=

in /usr/share/evolution/1.4/ui/evolution-mail-messages.xml

<cmd name="ViewFullHeaders"
_tip="Show message with all email headers"
type="radio" group="message_display"

<cmd name="ViewNormal"
_tip="Show message in the normal style"
type="radio" group="message_display"

in /usr/share/evolution/1.4/ui/evolution-mail-list.xml
(get rid of the accel= line)

<cmd name="EditSelectThread"
_tip="Select all messages in the same thread as the selected message"/>

restart evolution and ctrl-h will show the headers and ctrl-j will will
show the normal view.

Christopher Ness 

sketchy running 2.4.20-18.9 kernel on Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike).
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