Re: [Evolution] URLs Misbehavin'

For those using Ximian Desktop 2 (xd2) here's how to get things working
for you!

1. Open from the toolbar (top left) System -> Personal Settings
2. Click on "File Associations" under SYSTEM.
3. Click the "Add Service" button.
4. Description = "Web Browser"
5. Protocal = "http"
6. Program = ....  You have to choose this, use moz-remote or gunthers
script.  ;)

The script should be attached to this thread.


On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 21:54, guenther wrote:

That's a GNOME setting. For Gnome1 you can use the Gnome Control Center,
for Gnome2 there is no GUI yet:

Check your ~/.gnome/Gnome file. You need something like that:

[URL Handlers]
default-show=gnome-moz-remote --newwin "%s"

If there are http-show or similar entries, change them, too.

gnome-moz-remote %s
 will only open a new mozilla, when none running
 displays the URL in the current mozilla (old content overwritten)

gnome-moz-remote --newwin %s
 will only open a new mozilla, when none running
 displays the URL in a new mozilla window

I use the following default-show entry:

default-show=/home/guenther/bin/ "%s"

With the attached script (must be executable) it acts
like the --newwin option, but displays the new URL in a new *tab* if
there is already a mozilla running.

I don't lose the displayed URL and can even click multiple URLs and see
them all in the same mozilla.

If you have a ~/.gnome/gnome-moz-remote file, check it, rename it or
plain delete it. You can change settings there too, although you won't
need it.

Hope that answers all your questions...

--- snipp ---
Christopher Ness
Software Engineering IV,
McMaster University 

sketchy running 2.4.20-18.9 kernel on Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike).
17:33:36 up 8:40, 1 user, load average: 0.04, 0.06, 0.09

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