Re: [Evolution] Failed to send: relaying denied

Right,  This sounds like a situation with multiple ISPs where you are
connected through, for instance and trying to send mail
through the SMTP server of, or vice versa.  The SMTP
server is configured to only forward mail from computers currently
connected through that ISP, so it bounces mail from computers connected
any other way.  For instance, on my home computer, I connect to my
office's POP server to retrieve my mail, but must use the home account's
SMTP server, even for outgoing business mail.

On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 12:08, Tom wrote:
Are you directly connected to your ISP, or connecting to them thru
another service (like AOL, or from a customer site, or some such)?  You
might call your ISP - it could be that they're tightening things up and
you just got caught in the vise.

On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 20:09, Carr Wilkerson wrote:

Thank you. I looked again at the ISP support page. They have never and
still don't require authentication for sending email. I tried it anyway
(by configuring authentication) and still received the same message.
This problem started when I had to hard reboot during a rare RH 8.0
freeze. Evolution was open at the time. I thought that perhaps something
was corrupted during this fault. Perhaps a reinstall might be in order.
I really don't know where else to look. Any other ideas?



? On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 15:31, Carr Wilkerson wrote:
 > When trying to send email with evolution, I am getting the following
 > message. I'm not sure what I could have done to cause this, but it was
 > working fine previously.
 > -----------------------------------
 > Error while performing operation:
 > RCPT TP <email address here <mailto:email address here>> failed:
<email address here <mailto:email address here>>... Relaying
 > denied. Proper authentication required.
 > -----------------------------------
 > where email address here <mailto:email address here> is the 'TO'
email address of the recipient.
 > The message is not sent. Any clue?

Looks like you SMTP server requires authentication. Check the 'server
requires authentication' box in the 'Sending Mail' dialog and enter your
login and password at the bottom of the dialog.


Use a SMTP server that relays mail for you withoit authentication. ISP
usually let you send mail when you use their server from inside their


evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com
Arthur S. Alexion <arthur alexion com>
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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