[Evolution] Deleting Signatures


I'm new to Evolution, Linux and this list. G'day. I have Evolution
1.2.2-5 running on a Red Hat box (I also have Debian, so no flames
please :D). When I setup the various Mail accounts I required, I also
setup their respective signatures.

I now wish to delete or update several signatures, but can see nowhere
that I can perform this task. All I seem to be able to do is setup a new
signature (again) and allocate that to its account, but still with a
growing list of obsolete signatures.

Surely this can't be right (??). Perhaps I can only do this via command
line? If so, would someone please help me with performing this task.
I've checked the Faqs and a couple of months worth of posts but can't
find a solution.



Will :D

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