[Evolution] Printing contact list from Evolution 1.4

I am having a problem with printing the contact list from Evolution 1.4 
The printed text is very small print (6 or 7 font ??) and the output has
a raw appearance where the addresses are a single run-along sentence
with a [] (actually a small square box) showing where the carriage
returns should be.  The contact list is almost 400 names and when
printed with Evolution 1.2.4 using a readable font and nice layout fills
up 38 pages.  Under Evolution 1.4 the same contact list only fills 18
pages but needs magnifying glasses to be read.

This is with Evolution 1.4 on SuSE 8.2, using KDE but the same problem
exists when I try printing the contact list from a Gnome session. 
Emails seem to print fine with the requested 11 font.

To print the contact list I "select all" then file/print. The preview
will only show one page (where there should be 18 pages to view) and the
top of the preview has "No visible output was created." showing in LARGE
BOLD RED lettering.  BTW if I tty and only print a single contact the
preview stills shows the first full page of the contact list with the
first 18 contacts and the red letter warning, not the single selected
contact.  If I ignore the red letter warning the contact list will be
printed in its entirety with the small raw printing.

Any ideas how to fix this??

BTW is it also possible to get the Evolution/Gnome printing system to
use Letter paper size as default and change the margins?  GEdit 2.201
and Mozilla 1.4, which I assume are gnome2 apps, seem to work fine.

Thanks for any help.

Ralph Sanford       -       If your government does not trust you,
rsanford telusplanet net   -   should you trust your government?

DH/DSS Key   -   0x7A1BEA01

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