Re: [Evolution] Newsfeeds gone!

Thanks for your detailed reply.  It turns out that I am not connecting
through proxy, evolution got set up somehow to do so.  I set the
use-http-proxy to false and the news feeds are back. Thanks again.

On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 17:49, Mark Gordon wrote:
If you need to connect through a proxy, your sysadmin will know, and you
may need details only your sysadmin can provide to use it.  You'd
presumably need the same proxy settings to use any browser, so if you
have a browser that works, you can try checking whether you have a proxy
configured there, and you may just be able to copy the settings.

It's also possible that you configured Evolution (or Nautilus, or GNOME
1.4) to use a proxy that is no longer working.  In that case, Evolution
could be trying to connect through the proxy and failing.  The best way
to tell if this is the case is to run:

gconftool-1 -g /system/gnome-vfs/use-http-proxy

If it says that no value is set for that, then that's not the issue.

Or it could be some other sort of network issue.  But if the news in the
Summary is broken and nothing else is, proxy settings are the most
likely cause.

-Mark Gordon

On Wed, 2003-01-29 at 19:13, Anthony J. Barbaro wrote:
I am not sure that I have a proxy server.  How can I simply tell if I am
connecting through one.

On Wed, 2003-01-29 at 19:31, Mark Gordon wrote:
On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 17:38, Anthony J. Barbaro wrote:
I upgraded to evolution 1.2.1 and not longer receive news feeds. I am
running RedHat 8.0 which is where my original version of evolution came
from. Any suggestions?
Proxy server issue?

-Mark Gordon
Anthony J. Barbaro <tony abarbaro net>

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