Re: [Evolution] Missing charsets in FontSet creation

On Wed, 2003-01-29 at 01:39, guenther wrote:

I don't know if this is something new - possibly related to my
'font-troubles' lately - or if this is normal.

Can anybody tell me what this means and how I can/should fix this?

Did you check your font settings?
 Tools / Settings / Font Preferences

I don't know much about those settings, but everything looks fine to me,
the requested font matches closely the actual selected font...

Maybe the selected (default) font has no or broken ios8859-15 support.
More likely, as you told about font problems lately.

I also assumed this had something to do with it, but I don't have a clue
how I can check this?
Is there a way to check fonts?  Or should I keep switching fonts until I
find one that has ISO8859-15 support and is readable?

 #  Mertens Bram "M8ram" <bram-mertens linux be>   Linux User #249103  #
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