Re: [Evolution] Web post of calendar information

How do you export your calendar from Evolution?  I'm running Evolutoin
1.2.0 from Debian's unstable branch, and I've looked all around the
menus trying to find a way to export my calendar in a way suitable for
phpiCalendar.  What's the secret?


On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 08:52, Etienne Tourigny wrote:

I do something similar though not exactly the same.

I export my calendar to a web server and then I access it via a small
app called "phpicalendar" (  I could have
used something more complete (like phpGW) but all I needed was calendar
and contacts (done with a modified vcardphp -

I guess you could export your calendar to a png file with php's gd
functions but I imagine it would get quite messy if you have many

If you need any help regarding my solution, don't hesitate.


On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 05:32, Zot O'Connor wrote:
Has anyone done any work on posting Evolution Calendar information to a
web site?  Is there a standard setup to use?

I am not thinking about sharing, I am thinking about reforming the ics
file to a calendar png.

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com
David L. Sifry
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