Re: [Evolution] Evolution

On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 21:56, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
This is the first post I done to the list. I want to talk about 
costumizability. I love Open Source, however I see a 
discrepancy on certain software like Evolution, OpenOffice and 
Mozilla. One of the things OS shines is the costumizability of 
the OS. However I find this applications lacking on 
costumizability. The ability to provide skins are not very 
flexible. So it becomes less and less costumizable. 

All this adds an extra layer of complexity and skinning is a very touchy
subject. Some people hate it :). I see their point. Rather than
individual skinning of programs I'd like to be able to select a theme
that applies to applications. Nothing quite like having a dark desktop
lit up by a Qt app, or gtk app etc.

Things I would like to do in evolution:

A)Create custom icons on the calendar when you set custom 
categories or user-made categories.

Sounds like a good idea to me. just don't use it in such a way that it
complicates things.

B)Be able to skin Evolution or apply, create themes.

Perhaps Gnome, KDE can work on some interoperability so that if I can
change a theme in KDe and launch a Gnome, gtk etc app it doesn't blind
me :). Not really seen skinning or theming done too well...Got to agree
Open Office is pretty ugly looking, hopefully some Mac people who will
be using Linux more along with OS X will throw there talents in...

Skinning vs non-skinning could be like KDE vs Gnome wars of the recent

What is it you like about skinning?

Themes are different imho, having a desktop that balances as I used to
like switching between different window environments depending upon my

    Alexandro Colorado

Would love to see screenshots of Evolution 2 when they become available,
will get the appetite going.


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