Re: [Evolution] Evolution

On Mon, 2003-01-27 at 16:56, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
This is the first post I done to the list. I want to talk about 
costumizability. I love Open Source, however I see a 
discrepancy on certain software like Evolution, OpenOffice and 
Mozilla. One of the things OS shines is the costumizability of 
the OS. However I find this applications lacking on 
costumizability. The ability to provide skins are not very 
flexible. So it becomes less and less costumizable. 

Things I would like to do in evolution:

A)Create custom icons on the calendar when you set custom 
categories or user-made categories.

The icons live in /usr/share/evolution/glade - you can customise them
however you so desire.

B)Be able to skin Evolution or apply, create themes.

The "skins" are part of the Gnome/GTK theme set. You can change the
overall "theme" of Evolution by mucking around with the GTK/Gnome
themes. So, you have a place to find the icons, and now a means by which
to skin/theme Evolution. Anything else you'd like?


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