Re: [Evolution] Signed Message Problems

On Fri, 2003-01-24 at 07:34, Dave Finnegan wrote:
I have been running with signed messages for a while and have noticed
that evo is modifying the message.  When I CC myself, the message
returned to me has extra blank lines inserted and has "=20" characters
in some places.

I've, also, received complaints from some recipients that my messages
look like this to them and that they are unable to access my

Finally, I've just received a reply from my recent ximian post on this
topic complaining that my attachments had viruses and were deleted!

The attachments were two simple messages that I sent myself.  One was
signed.  The other was not.  I've included the messages here rather than
attaching them in an attempt to get them through to the list.

Any thoughts?
Yeah, this is something that I was looking at yesterday.  It appears to
be a bug related to Evo someplace, and not the mail server (AFAICT). 
Here's the bug on it.

Gregory Leblanc <gleblanc linuxweasel com>

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