Re: [Evolution] Re: gnomecc?

On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 08:37, Dwight Tovey wrote:
On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 09:11, Paul Hands wrote:

Gnomecc is the Gnome Control Center.  It's a GUI for configuring many
parts of the Gnome desktop.

On my machine (SuSE 8.1), it lives /opt/gnome/bin.  Interestingly, I
can run gnomecc quite happily from the command line, but I can't find
it with an rpm query either!  If I do a general rpm -q -a | grep -i
gnome, I get nothing that looks like gnomecc.  OK, it must be provided
as part of another rpm....

If I do rpm -q --whatprovides gnomecc, I get :- no package provides

So now, even though I have it installed and working, I don't know how
it got installed!  I'll keep looking and let you know if I find it.


On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 18:32, Steven P. Auerbach wrote: 
Perhaps you could help me figure out what gnomecc is, and where it
lives. Several postings in the Evolution data base have mentioned
it, but it doesn't seem to be on my system. (I'm running Red Hat
8.0) I've done rpm -qa and grep'ed on gnome, but there is nothing
called gnomecc in the list.

On RedHat 8.0 it's called /usr/bin/gnome-control-center and it gets
installed by the "control-center" RPM.

Yes, but from what I understand, that control center, which is part of
GNOME 2, has no effect on Evolution 1.x, which is a GNOME 1.x

You still need to use the old "gnomecc" for Evolution until version 1.4
comes out (which is the port to GNOME 2).

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